My Whakapapa is: (Back to Grandparents):
Richard Moore – Grandfather, Whanau Whero, Ngati Rehua, Te Aki Tai
Martha Cook – Te Kapotai
James Caldwell – Father – Scotland
Kathleen Caldwell – Mother (as above)
My job is (explain the role and goals for 2015-2016):
Communications Advisor. My role involves meeting the communications needs internally and externally of NTB, improve the internal communications, share the stories of our whanau, Raise the profile of NTB outside our rohe and most importantly have a high level of communications and engagement with our whanau/iwi around all things Ngatiwai.
Where did you grow up? And your fondest childhood memory:
I was born in Gisborne as that’s is where my dad was working at the time as a Chef with my mother. We moved back to Whangarei when I was 5 and grew up here and did my schooling in Whangarei. My fondest memory growing up would be traveling back from Gisborne at Xmas and camping with all our whanau back in the north at Tuparehuia. We continued to do this when we moved back to Whangarei and the summers camping out there with whanau are memories that stay with me today.
My favourite movie of all time is:
Cheesy as it may sound, I was a Big Rocky fan. But also Once were Warriors & The Dark Horse.
Music I enjoy listening to at the moment includes:
Enjoying Six60 at the moment, but I am and old school Rocker, so I do love a bit of AC/DC!
Best advice I have been given is…
2 things my dad told me that I stick by.
1. Treat others how you want to be treated, and
2. What goes around come around!
Most people would be surprised to learn that…
I play guitar in a local covers band. I also own and drive a 1968 XT Ford Falcon.
I am most inspired by (name a person & explain why):
My Mum and Dad, Kath and Jim. They have taught me that hard work, supporting each other as a whanau and being honest will get you are a long way in life. I have based my life and what I teach my kids on a few basic teachings they have given me.
Barry can be contacted on 09 430 0939 or email barry.caldwell@ngatiwai.iwi.nz