Ngātiwai Trust Board
Ngātiwai Trust Board is the mandated iwi authority for Ngātiwai iwi, and is registered under the Charitable Trusts’ Act 1957. Those people that whakapapa to Ngātiwai can register as a beneficiary of the Board.
The Board is comprised of 14 trustees representing those affiliated marae in the Ngātiwai takiwā. A new constitution was put in place in 2005 and trustees are charged with achieving the objectives of that constitution. One compliance requirement to receive our Treaty fishing settlement allocation is that trustees be elected by their respective iwi beneficiaries via their marae. The Trust Board ran its first election under these terms in February 2011. 6 marae nominated their trustee un-opposed. 8 marae ran election processes* and the following marae representatives were declared as elected trustees. The next highest polling reps in those elections are Alternative Trustees (Alt) as noted.