Job description
Pastoral care coordinator
Reports to: Chief Executive
Purpose of position
Te Matarau Education Trust is a collective of 6 Hapu and lwi that have come together to support Maori and Pasifika Trades Training in Tai Tokerau. Through contracting lwi and Hapu, pastoral care is provided to the Maori and Pasifika Trades (18-34) learners that undertake targeted trades training. (Provided by NorthTec Polytechnic and other partners such as Skills ITO and the Primary ITO). It is an innovative partnership model that is funded by the Tertiary Education Commission and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. There is a need for a full time pastoral care coordinator to manage and develop the Trusts undertakings regarding pastoral care of learners that study with its key partners.1
Major areas of responsibility
(a) Management
- Assisting in establishing service level agreements with lwi and hapu
- Quality Management of services under those contracts
- Facilitating individual learning plans (ILP\’s) for all learners and monitoring those throughout the year as agreed to help achieve outcomes of retention, completion and progression into employment, higher level study and or apprenticeships
- Support of the service providers and key partners where it involves pastoral care
- Reporting to the Chief Executive as to service delivery, issues to be resolved so as allow reporting to monthly trustee hui
- Contributing to reports required under contracts that Te Matarau hold in the area of pastoral care
- Help monitor budgets as they relate to the provision of pastoral care
(b) Quality
- To ensure the business maintains and continuously improves standards of quality in relation to pastoral care
- They will complete this responsibility by (inter alia) putting in place:
1 Te Matarau’s funding is calendar year on year (1 January-31 December). Accordingly any contract will be a
fixed term contract of one year.