Chief Executive Officer
Ngātiwai Trust Board, Whangārei location
Closing Date: 5pm, Wednesday 21 December 2016
“Kia tūpato! Ka tangi a Tūkaiaia kei te moana, ko Ngātiwai ki te moana e haere ana. Ka tangi a Tūkaiaia ki tuawhenua, ko Ngātiwai kei tuawhenua e haere ana”.
Ngātiwai Trust Board is looking to appoint a permanent CEO to give effect to the Board’s strategic plan and future direction. This includes supporting the Board through advancing its complex Treaty settlements while protecting and enhancing the Ngatiwai Iwi existing assets, businesses, fishing settlement, contracts, programmes and developments. The job has approx 20 FTE and provides a mix of high level strategy and hands on management.
You’ll be an effective, confident and dynamic leader with senior management experience in an iwi or Māori context. You will be able to lead and motivate a team to ensure maximum gains are made within existing resources to lift the aspirations of Ngātiwai uri. You will be a key adviser to the Board and work closely with the Board’s Chair. You will be politically savvy and move comfortably at all levels. You will have a passion for Ngātiwai, its history, tikanga, whakapapa and mana. You will have strong business acumen and te reo and tikanga skills to capably represent the Board as its key operations leader no matter what the issue.
Please apply in confidence only to:
The Board Secretary
Ngātiwai Trust Board
P O Box 1332
Whangārei 0140
Email: mmacdonald@ngatiwai.iwi.nz
A job description is available through the Board Secretary by request.