AGM: – All preparations are completed for the Trust Board AGM scheduled for Saturday 17th December 2016 commencing 10am at the ARC Lounge, Toll Stadium, Whangarei.
Annual Report 2016: – The Board approved the Financials and Annual Report 2016.
Board Policies: – The Directorship Policy was reviewed by Trustees and approved for implementation.
CEO Position: – Applications for the CEO position close on 21st December 2016.
Kaipara Sands: – Hori Parata provided a report and recommendations from the review of the Kaipara Sands Extraction. The report revealed that Kaipara Sands Limited continue to abide in the contractual obligations. It was recommended that the Trust Board send someone on the barge from time to time to monitor KSL processes.
Te Kupenga Reo: – Preparation and planning to launch Stage 2 of the Te Kupenga Reo Programme has commenced.
Trust Deed Review: – Recommendations from the Trust Deed Review Group is currently being reviewed by Trustees.
Trustee Elections: – The Board’s triennial Trustee Election was publicly notified on 23rd November 2016 nominations close on 21st December 2016.