*** New date announced – Kia Ora Whanau, on Friday the 28th of April, The Ngatiwai Education Team – Te Au Here o Tūkaiaia are celebrating the success of all the 22 tamariki that participated in the Rau Ora Youth Programme – “Realising Potential through sport”.***
*** Kia Ora Whānau, with the tangi of Aunty Mere Piripi being held at Otetao Reti marae please be advised that the Rau Ora Celebration that was scheduled for Friday 7th April has been postponed and we will advise of a new date soon. ***
On Friday the 7th of April, The Ngatiwai Education Team – Te Au Here o Tūkaiaia are celebrating the success of all the tamariki that participated in the Rau Ora Youth Suicide Prevention Programme – “Realising Potential through sport”.
In the second half of 2016 Te Au Here o Tūkaiaia ran the wananga based Rau Ora programme out of Whangaruru, which seen the project team invite a number of international sporting role models to inspire tamariki, with the likes of Maioro Barton (Wheel Blacks), Kylie Leuluai (NZ Rugby League), Valerie Adams (Olympic Shot Putter), Deanne Carpenter (NZ Boxing), Kewene Edmonds (Waka Ama), Kendell Heremaia and Stirling Smith (Basketball NZ).

Taitamariki who participated in this programme worked towards completing an introduction certificate for New Zealand touch referees. With this certificate they have proven that they have the skills and ability to referee touch games at any level. They also developed a range of other valuable qualities such as leadership, event planning, team work which are transferable skills that will help them become valued members of their communities, and ultimately future leaders of Ngātiwai.
This event on the 7th of April is an opportunity for all those involved as well as their whānau, hapū and iwi to come together and celebrate the fantastic outcomes of this successful programme.
The evening is a formal event so boys are asked to wear a white shirt with black pants and girls a skirt and top or dress. Whānau are invited and encouraged to attend to recognise the successful outcomes our tamariki achieved.
Event Details:
Rau Ora – Celebrating Success
Otetao Reti Marae – Whangaruru
Friday 7th of April – 530pm
Dress attire – Formal
Petina Stone
Ngātiwai Education – Te Au Here o Tukaiaia
09 972 7670 or 021 268 4259
Nga mai, haere mai