The recent Kahui Kaumatua hui held at Paratene Te Manu Marae in Ngunguru was an opportunity for kaumatua to; discuss further the importance of kaumatuatanga, share stories, receive updates, reflect on issues at hand and receive a presentation from Ngahuia Moore about collating the stories and images of our Marae as told by our kuia and kaumatua.
Those present at the hui decided that a monthly hui will be held and that these will be hosted by Marae throughout our rohe so that everyone has opportunity to attend. The younger generation who are interested in the kaupapa are also encouraged to attend.
A pānui of upcoming Kahui Kaumatua hui will be posted on the various Marae facebook pages. To ensure you are notified of any important hui or happenings – please ensure that you are on the mailing list by contacting Secretary Pam Armstrong on 021704084 or Chairman Hori Parata on 021436837
Nau Mai Piki Mai Haere mai
Those present at the hui decided that a monthly hui will be held and that these will be hosted by Marae throughout our rohe so that everyone has opportunity to attend. The younger generation who are interested in the kaupapa are also encouraged to attend.
A pānui of upcoming Kahui Kaumatua hui will be posted on the various Marae facebook pages. To ensure you are notified of any important hui or happenings – please ensure that you are on the mailing list by contacting Secretary Pam Armstrong on 021704084 or Chairman Hori Parata on 021436837
Nau Mai Piki Mai Haere mai