Aquaculture Settlement: – It’s expected that the aquaculture settlement for the Northland space will be held back for at least another 18 months.
Directorship and Governance: – A review of the Governance and Directorship policies is being carried out.
Manaaki Marae: – Enrolments for the course closed on the 2nd May 2017, there are still 8 positions available for any interested whanau.
Marine and Coastal Area Act: – The applications for the Crown and High Court processes have been lodged. Further information hui and a mapping hui will be held of individual applicants shortly.
Marae Election, Matapouri: – Aperahama Kerepeti-Edwards has been elected as Trustee to NTB with Andrew McMath elected as Alternative.
Marae Election, Mokau: – The nomination period of Mokau marae has been extended to Wednesday 10th May 2017, 5pm.
Marae Reports: – The following updates were for marae were given.
Kawa: – No report.
Matapouri: – Aperahama Kerepeti-Edwards has been elected as the NTB Trustee with Andrew McMath as alternative. The marae held its AGM during Easter weekend followed by the hapū trust hui. There was good cohesion at both hui initiatives to further develop our marae and hapū structures was discussed. The hapū trust is preparing for the Ngāti Rehua AGM.
Motairehe: – Marae chairperson is Darren Cleave and Hope Munroe Treasurer. We are preparing for the Ngāti Rehua Ngātiwai ki Aotea AGM next weekend, the marae hopes to get rangatahi involved to support and offer expertise to the taumata.
Ngaiotonga: – A number of maintenance issues were taken care of by whanau during their reunion. The marae continues to host community events such as line-dancing. Northtec also utilises the marae to run some of their programmes. We also hosted the recent ANZAC dawn ceremony with Te Rawhiti and the Russell RSA.
Ngunguru: – The marae’s MACA application has been lodged. The marae has also received a letter from the Māori Land Court regarding the return of our taonga.
Oakura: – The marae has been distributing firewood to kaumātua. Our accounts are being audited in preparation for our AGM.
Omaha: – No report.
Otetao: – The Education unit will be hosting its suicide prevention hui at the marae this weekend.
Pataua: – The marae received directives from the MLC earlier this month, we will be holding a meeting this weekend to restructure our marae committee.
Punaruku: – No meetings have been held by the marae committee during the month due to Aunty Mere’s tangihanga.
Tuparehuia: – The marae held a successful monthly meeting, the financials for 2016 have been signed off, we are also estasblishing a fund raising sub-committee. A financial capability facilitated by Pam Armstrong and Marlene Leuluai hui will be held at the marae this weekend.
Whananaki: – It’s been a busy month for the marae, Paul White is preparing a feasibility report for the marae renovations. We are also preparing for the Ngāti Rehua AGM and would like NTB to consider providing a van for transport. Phil Paikea gave a presentation to us regarding youth suicide. I also attended the kamātua hui which was held at Ngunguru marae.
Treaty Claims: – A meeting was held with the OTS to introduce the new Negotiator and manager dealing with the Ngātiwai mandate. The Trust Board continues to be involved in with the issues of overlapping claims particularly regarding the Marutūahu collective.
Trustee Remuneration: – A review of Trustee remuneration is being carried out.