Summary of the Ngātiwai Trust Board Meeting of 26th May 2017

Board Policies: – All Board policies will be referred to the Policy committee prior to sign off by the Board. 

NTB Directorships: – A policy regarding the recruitment of Directors will be drafted by the Legal Adviser and a draft recommended to the Board. Also the review of the Governance and Directorship policies is still being carried out. 

Kaipara Sands: – Hori Parata completed a review and report of the Kaipara Sands extraction prior to Christmas, he is progressing towards putting someone on the barge to monitor their processes.

Marae Reports: – Marae updates were received from the following marae:

  • Kawa: – The marae is looking at alternative power supply such as solar panels and wind power.
  • Matapouri: – No marae meetings have been held since the last. Aperahama attended the new processing plant opening at Hikurangi this morning.
  • Motairehe: – The marae is regrouping after the recent Ngāti Rehua hui.
  • Ngaiotonga: – The marae committee will forward its invoice for the NTB grant shortly.
  • Ngunguru:
  • Omaha:
  • Otetao: – The marae is hosting the Te Kupenga Reo programme this weekend.
  • Pataua:
  • Punaruku: – The marae committee will schedule an up coming meeting.
  • Tuparehuia: – The marae committee had a good meeting last week, the next meeting is scheduled for Saturday 17th June at NTB. There is also a whānau unveiling being held at the marae next weekend.
  • Whananaki: – The marae will be holding a fund raising evening which includes entertainment and a meal at Forum North on Saturday 22nd July 2017, tickets are $100 and all proceeds going towards Whakapaumahara rebuild. Entertainment is Kawiti Waetford.

Scholarships: – A meeting of the Education and Social Development committees will occur prior to discuss and confirm scholarship and sponsorship grants for 2017. 

Trustee Remuneration Policy: – The Trustee remuneration draft policy will be reviewed by Policy Committee and referred to the Board for sign off. 

Trust Deed Review: –
A copy of the final draft from the Trust Deed Review Rōpu will be provided to the Board for legal to review, once this has been completed the Rōpu will look towards taking the document to marae for socialisation. 

Te Kupenga Reo:
– The Te Kupenga Reo team completed a 4 day rumaki reo wānanga to determine what has been working or not working with the programme. The team are out at Otetao marae this weekend and next week travel to Aotea. 

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