Auckland Council Relationship Agreement and Capacity Contract: – The CEO recently signed a relationship agreement with Auckland City Council and 2 capacity enablement contracts for NTB to attend Council meetings over the next 2 years.
Educational Scholarships: – The Board has increased Tertiary Educational Scholarships to $750 per applicant. Arrangements will be made shortly to advertise the scholarship on the Trust Boards’ website and face-book pages.
Kaumātua Kapa Haka: – The Trust Board provided financial assistance for Kaumātua to attend the recent Kaumātua Kapa Haka Festival held at Te Papa, Wellington.
NTB and Ngāti Hine: – A hui with NTB and Te Runanga o Ngāti Hine occurred during the month, the meeting acknowledged whanaungatanga ties and focussed upon continued relationship building between Ngātiwai and Ngāti Hine.
Marae Reports:
- Kawa: – With winter upon us, there is very little happening at Kawa marae.
- Matapouri: –
- Motairehe: – The Te Kupenga Reo kaupapa was held at Motairehe marae there was representation from both Kawa and Motairehe present. We also managed to achieve filming 16 hours of korero that we can create a resource out of for all our Ngātiwai marae, also with the recent exposure regarding the Aotea having the darkest winter sky’s in which to view the stars we are looking to setting up Ngātiwai ki Aotea tourism, providing marae stays at both Motairehe and Kawa marae. Motairehe is looking to build a walk trail at the back of the marae for tourism.
- Ngaiotonga: –
- Ngunguru: – The gazetting is being processed and will be placed before the Minister for approval shortly. The marae committee has developed a maintenance schedule to address all maintenance issues. It’s also disappointing to see that the Haua line has been excluded from the Ngāti Rehua mandate because Haua is not one of the 3 tūpuna listed.
- Oakura: – We are currently working on upgrading Omahanga. Firewood is still being distributed to local kaumātua.
- Otetao: – The marae committee had its last meeting 2 weeks ago and managed to purchase some new furnishing also we have had a couple of tangi.
- Omaha: – The marae is still closed for bookings.
- Pataua: – The marae committee will be holding a meeting this weekend.
- Punaruku: – Still scoping for land a land site of build the marae.
- Tuparehuia: – The marae committee is establishing a fund raising committee and on another note we enjoyed an excellent trip away to Wellington for the Kaumātua Kapa Haka. Our rōpu was the first ever representation from Tai Tokerau. A whakangahau to complete the trip will be held at Education this afternoon.
- Whananaki: – The MACA applications have now been completed.
Treaty Claims: – NTB is progressing with a legal and public relations strategy for enacting upon the Board’s resolution to oppose the Marutūahu collectives overlapping claims.
Purchase of a Pou whakairo: – The Board has approved the purchase of a pou whakairo depicting the 3 kete of knowledge which was carved by the Tikipunga High School Academy. The pou will be installed at Ngātiwai Education to signify the meaning of education to Ngātiwai people.
Whakapaumahara Fund Raiser: – The marae committee is seeking support for the Trust Board for Ngātiwai kaumātua and kuia to attend their fund raising evening to celebrating Matariki.The event will include entertainment from Kawiti Waetford and the Māori Volcanics, dinner is also included, the event will be held at Forum North on Saturday 22nd July and tickets are $100 each.