- Aquaculture Settlement: – The funds for the Northern Space Aquaculture settlement are still held with Te Ohu Kaimoana.
- Ngātiwai Hui-A-Iwi: – The hui-a-iwi will be held at Te Whanau O Rangiwhakaahu Marae, Matapouri this weekend. NTB operational quarterly reports will be available for whanau to take home. Presentation and workshops will be held regarding up-dates on the Treaty Settlements, Urgency Hearings and the impact of separate settlements on Ngātiwai.
Marae Reports: – Updates from each marae Trustee were given as follows:
- Kawa: – Everything is running as it should at Kawa Marae.
- Matapouri: – The marae committee has held a couple meetings over the last few months. The committee has been updated with Trust Board issues in particular Treaty Claims. We’re privileged to be hosting the Ngātiwai Hui-A-Iwi this weekend and acknowledge Uncle Nupere Ngawaka for the tautoko he provides on our marae taumata. The committee hopes to explore options to complete major renovations to the marae in the near future.
- Mokau: – The marae rebuild is well underway and on budget.
- Motairehe: – The new septic tank is in place we’re awaiting installation of the new power generators. The marae committee will be looking to complete some funding applications/proposals for further essentials.
- Ngaiotonga: – The marae has officially been re-opened, most of the whakaahua have been placed back on the marae walls. The marae also held a working bee recently and acknowledge Oakura for their assistance.
- Oakura: – Petina Stone has been elected as the Chairperson of Oakura Marae. The marae has recently had an electrical wiring upgrade, the marae committee is currently exploring options for marae insurance. The marae also enjoyed a waka ama day during the month.
- Otetao: – The marae has purchased new ovens which have been installed in the kauta and supply of new mattresses for the wharenui. Plans are underway to upgrade the ablutions.
- Omaha: – Omaha Marae held its Annual General Meeting last Saturday.
- Pataua: – The marae accounts were audited and passed through the marae Annual General Meeting that was held in March 2016.
- Punaruku: – The request to build the marae at Waikaramihi has been declined
- Tuparehuia – The marae committee has been established for 1 year now. The financial accounts for the previous committee are up to date and the current financial accounts are being completed now. The marae committee is working through matters and is awaiting feedback from NTB regarding the Licence to Occupy.
- Whananaki: – An upgrade of the marae dining area and ablutions is being worked on, this means the marae is only available for day bookings. Whananaki will be hosting the Ngati Rehua, Ngātiwai hui on Friday 8th July 2016.
- Ngātiwai Trust Board and Operational Policies: – All Board and Operational policies are under review.
- Sponsorship Applications: – All sponsorship applications are currently on hold until further notice whilst the sponsorship policy is being reviewed.
- Te Matawai Nomination: – The Board supports Aperahama Kerepeti-Edwards nomination for selection as the Te Matawai Representative for Te Taitokerau.
- Trust Deed Focus Group: – The Roopu have completed a simplified booklet which includes short definitions for each of the section within the Trust Deed. The booklet will be reviewed by the independent Legal Advisor and will be forwarded to the Trust Board with recommendations prior to Roopu taking the information on a marae roadshow.