Aqua-cultural Settlement: TOKM is working on a proposal for NTB to receive its share of the aqua-cultural settlement.
Marae Reports: Updates from each marae Trustee were given as follows:
- Kawa: – Everything is running as it should at Kawa.
- Matapouri: – A Marae Trustee meeting is scheduled for Saturday 30th July. It was a privilege for Matapouri Marae to host the NTB Hui-A-Iwi with some good information coming out of the Treaty Claims workshops. It was clear that the overarching kaupapa was Kotahitanga.
- Mokau: – The rebuild and budget is on track.
- Motairehe: – The marae is being assisted with a retrospective funding application.
- Ngaiotonga: –
- Ngunguru: – The marae committee is expecting to hold its AGM in September 2016.
- Oakura: – a Marae meeting was held on Wednesday 27th July, in which the bush-hut was renamed.
- Otetao: – A kaumātua hui to discuss treaty claims and a kaumātua taumata will be held at Otetao marae on 20th August. The hui will be led by Hepi Haika and Tokowhati Martin.
- Omaha: – A resignation has been received from one of the Omaha marae committee members. No further marae bookings are available until October 2016.
- Pataua: – The marae committee will be holding a meeting in the near future to select its new Trustees.
- Punaruku: – The Marae committee will be scheduling a meeting to discuss treaty claims. Discussions still needs to be had regarding the selection of a marae site.
- Tuparehuia – AGM will be held on Saturday 6th August. Tuparehuia also hosted a housing hui which was attended by whanau from Patu Keha and Ngāti Kuta, names were collected from whanau who currently need housing assistance. It was also recognised at the hui that kaumātua/kuia housing is a priority.
- Whananaki: – The marae committee is investigating options prior to commencing basic marae renovations.
Education: The Ma te Reo educational programme is under development for expected roll-out in August. A Maanaki marae contract is being considered by Northtec.
Honey: A due diligence process is being carried out on a potential honey contract.
Social Development: An application for a Healthy Housing contract has been lodged with TPK.
Treaty Claims: The Waitangi Tribunal has set dates has been allocated for the Urgency Hearings.
Youth Justice: Judge Davis will be meeting with Te Taitokerau iwi regarding marae based court proceedings.