The Kāhui Kaumātua will be participating in a co design ‘Ageing Well’ Research Project called Ngā Kaumātua, ō Mātou Taonga: Supporting kaumātua health in a changing world with the James Henare Māori Research Centre.
It is a pilot study that will examine the reciprocal and interdependent nature of Māori society and will describe inter-generational relationships that enhance the well-being of kaumātua.
A trip to the James Henare research centre is planned for the future.
Mana moana a Ngātiwai
The Kaumātua participated in a workshop with Phil Lyver, a researcher with manaaki whenua who has been working with Ngātiwai for years to help capture the essence of our mana and relationship to the wai and offshore islands. This workshop was an opportunity for kuia and kaumātua to discuss aspirations and articulate the identity for our iwi.
Last month whanau celebrated the 93rd birthday of Atareiria Blair

A Kāhui Kaumātua Christmas event is being planned for mid December. The details will be discussed at the November Kāhui Kaumātua meeting and a pānui for this event will be released shortly.
Next Kāhui Kaumātua meeting: 11.00am Tuesday 21st November at Ngātiwai Trust Board.