- Bland Bay Campground: – Is looking forward to another busy summer season.
- Communications: – Operations will be looking to install a VC system at the Trust Board to accommodate for online/skype meeting facilities, this will assist with Trustees being able to attend portfolio meetings and other meetings online.
- Education: – The CEO is expecting to meet with Massey University in the near future to refresh and progress the memorandum of understanding between the Trust Board and the institute. The Chairman also gave an undertaking for the Education Committee to look at options of how to assist Aotea whanau with educational expenses and draft a proposal paper for the Board to consider
- Finance and Executive: – Angeline Waetford provided a presentation which summarised the annual accounts for the Trust Board’s Annual General Meeting to be held the next day on 25th November 2017.
- Hundertwasser Proposal: – After much discussion by Trustees it was resolved that Ngātiwai Trust Board proceed with the amended Hundertwasser underwrite proposal conditional to NTB holding a position on the Hundertwasser Art Centre Governing Board.
- Media Statements: – Barry Caldwell has collated copies of all the media statements made by the Trust Board during the recent release of the treaty inquiry.
- NTB Membership Registrations: – The Chairman requested that Trustees work closely with their whānau and marae to assist with reducing the number of NTB registered members who have no known contact address or details.
- NTB Policies: – The series of governance draft policies which were discussed by Trustees at last month’s meeting were approved by the Board as working policies.
- Office Renovations: – The reception lobby has been made larger making a more inviting space.
- Resource Management Unit: – The CEO is learning more about the operations of the Resource Management Unit, Hori Parata is currently leading and training a team of 2 Taitamariki in Ngātiwai environmental kaitiakitanga.
- Social Development: – The Board resolved to adopt a Social Development Framework Structure for Ngātiwai which was presented by Michael Rundlett. The framework will be taken to marae for further discussion with kaumātua. Trustees have also been provided a copy for discussion with marae.
- Trustee Remuneration: – A scoping exercise has been completed for the current Trustee Honorarium fees. A decision confirming the range and frequency of fees will be made at the next Trustee meeting.
- Tuparehuia Marae: – The Licence to Occupy between the Ngātiwai Trust Board and the Tuparehuia Marae will occur after the Marae AGM. Maintenance work was recently completed at the Kaumātua flats and all tenants are reported to be happy.
- Treaty Claims: – The Treaty Claims Committee plan to re-engage with Ngātiwai whānui in particular those from all the hapū that have been affected. Trustees have been asked to go back to their marae and korero with whanau.
- Te Kupenga Reo: – It was reported that the wananga on Aotea was well received and enjoyed.