Kia Ora whānau, on behalf of my fellow Trustees and the staff of Ngātiwai Trust Board I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas.
I know it has been as busy year for everyone, and it is as well at this time of year, we should all try and take a little bit of time out to spend with our whānau and friends. So wherever you may be I hope that you are able to enjoy whanaungatanga with loved ones, but also manaaki those that are not so fortunate to have whānau around them at this time of year.
2018 is going to be another very busy year, particularly as we work our way through the findings and recommendations of the Waitangi Tribunal into our Treaty Settlement mandate. I firmly believe that Ngātiwai can come together as one to find a pathway forward to get the best outcome for our whānau, hapū and iwi. We are going to take as much time as we need to hui with our people about what this report means for us, and listen to what our people say is the pathway forward for a Ngātiwai Settlement. I look forward to bringing us all together early in the New Year to discuss a pathway forward.
I would like to acknowledge the kaumātua of our respective marae in our iwi. Our kaumātua always have an important role in all our lives in guiding us, particularly around tikanga. So I ask that you remember to take the time to acknowledge and spend time with your kaumātua.
To my fellow Trustees and the work of the Trust Board’s staff. I appreciate the time and effort that everyone puts in for our iwi and I personally thank you for your continued support and dedication.
I sincerely hope that you can all enjoy a break over the festive season and wherever you may go or wherever you may be over this holiday period please be safe and look after those around you.
I would like to wish everyone a blessed festive season and look forward to seeing you all again in the New Year.
Ngā mihi o te Kirihimete ki a koutou katoa