New Zealand has unacceptably high levels of abuse towards woman and children – physical, mental and sexual. This is a problem we face within our own whānau, marae, hāpu and iwi. We need to acknowledge that it is happening, and as Ngātiwai, we want to make a firm stand – we will no longer tolerate it.
Ngātiwai wants a future free of violence against all tamariki, wāhine, tāne and whānau in Aotearoa.
Ngātiwai Chairman Haydn Edmonds says “We will advocate for child and whānau rights, we will support and promote positive strategies in our communities, with zero tolerance to all forms of violence within our whānau.”
“It saddens me when I open the papers to reports that New Zealand has one of the worst records of child abuse in the developed world.”
On average, a New Zealand child dies every five weeks as a result of violence, with most of these children aged under five and the largest group is less than a year old.
“Ninety percent of all tamariki deaths are perpetrated by someone the child knew, and in many instances, a member of their own whānau. As an iwi we firmly believe we have a role to play in turning these terrible statistics around.”
E mea ana a Ngātiwai me mahara tātou ki te mana, te tapu me te mauri o te tangata. Me mutu te tūkino ahatia pēhea nei. Poipoia wa tātou nei tamariki kia pakari ai ngā rangatira o āpōpō. Me meinga ngā kāinga me ngā marae hei wāhi taurikura mo te whānau, hapū me te iwi.
Ngātiwai statement to the world is that every person is tapu, and has mana and mauri. We need to ensure that all forms of abuse and violence cease. Nurture our tamariki to be strong Ngātiwai leaders of tomorrow. Ensure all homes, workplaces and marae are safe havens for whānau, hapū and iwi.
“The days of sweeping this type of behavior under the carpet is over. We encourage people to call out the abusers. Allow those that have suffered abuse to come out and let their stories be heard. By doing so, letting them heal and try to still have a happy and fulfilled life.”
Contacts: Haydn Edmonds, Chairman, Ngātiwai Trust Board
Phone: 09 430 0939
Barry Caldwell, Communications Advisor Ngātiwai Trust Board
Phone: 021 728 291