COVID-19 Update
Be safe, stay how as reach the end of week three.
Kia kaha tatou!
Taitokerau Call On The Protection Of Traditional Fishing Needs
Te Kahu o Taonui understand these directives, however Ngāti Kahu Chair Margaret Mutu says “there is growing unease from Taitokerau about the Government\’s heavy handed and uncoordinated approach to the application of law, especially when it comes to interfering with the traditional fishing needs of our collective Iwi and whānau.
Click here to read more:
Support for whānau in Northland left without jobs due to COVID-19
Please have a listen to Eru\’s kōrero with Māori TV to explain the mahi they have been doing and what support they can offer.
Whānau are advised to to get in touch with the service on their website ( or by calling 0800 559 009.
Click here to watch his korero:
Level 3 water restrictions come in force
Use of a sprinkler or irrigation system and hosing gardens and filling swimming pools from mains supply are not allowed.
Still wash your hands properly whanau, this does not effect anything around good hand hygiene.
We know people may possibly use more water just by being at home on lockdown.
But be mindful how long your in the shower, turn the tap off when you brush your teeth, no water blasting, no washing the house etc.
We are still in drought whanau – be water wise!
For our whanau out on the coast or in rural areas on tanks, if your having issues with water contact us on 0800 119 725 and we will try in assist you with the council.
Click here to read more:
Some good advice!
While it is ok to wear a face mask say when you go to the supermarket for example, don\’t stand there \”tutuing\” with it on your face every 2 mins as it defeats the purposing of wearing a mask if your hands are coming into contact with your face.
With just over week to go whanau, keep doing the right things and we will get through this.
Click here to watch her kōrero:
Mauri Reo, Mauri Ora – Kura Wharekura!
Mauri Reo, Mauri Ora is a series of programme content that focuses on entertaining and educating Wharekura. Began today and will screen Weekdays, 9.00am – 3.00pm on Te Reo Channel.
Tune in here: