Friday, 17 April 2020
Neat Meat is an Auckland based company owned by the Eriksen brothers Simon, William and Tim, together with Andy Ham and Mark Hunter who are very proud to be a New Zealand company and to share the goodness that comes from Aotearoa.
The Ngātiwai Trust Board would like to acknowledge and thank Neat Meat for their contribution to supporting those in need during the COIVD-19 pandemic by providing 750kg of pork bones and 250kg of Trotters for distribution to Ngātiwai marae.
Ngātiwai Chairman, Haydn Edmonds says “On behalf of Ngātiwai, I would like to thank Neat Meat for what they have done for our people. It’s not just about giving our people some pork, it will give them hope that someone is there to help them when they most need it.”
The pork has been cut up and packed into boxes for distribution to each of the 14 Ngātiwai marae for them to give out to their people.
Haydn says “Our Ngātiwai kaumātua and whānau will enjoy the benefits of this partnership that our Motairehe Trustee, Martin Cleave, has established for us with Neat Meat. The pork is of very high quality and is going to make some beautiful boils ups for our kaumātua and vulnerable whānau who really need a good nutritious kai right now.”
Neat Meat Chief Executive Simon Eriksen says “Marae and other communities are like everyone in New Zealand now, who need help and need food for their people.
“It’s a need that we love to be part in helping.”
The partnership with Neat Meat includes free delivery of the pork to Whangārei for distribution to the twelve mainland marae. Ngātiwai families on Aotea Great Barrier Island will be also getting their delivery of Pork, with Neat Meat going above and beyond by arranging the delivery over to Aotea also.
Simon Eriksen says “We have the capacity to do it, all we want to be able to do is send meat to people because they are desperate, and we just want to give them hope like our families.”
Motairehe marae Trustee, Martin Cleave says “Neat Meat are sending the packs of pork down to Claris which is at the southern end of the Island and that is going to make its way up through the rohe to Motairehe and Kawa marae.”
“We would like to thank the boys from Neat Meat, this is so great for our people on the island as the logistics and access to food on Aotea is a challenge at the best of times, let alone in Alert Level 4 lockdown.”
Oakura Marae Trustee and Kai distributions leader, Simon Mitchell says “I was asked by our Board to work with Neat Meat to receive this generous offer of pork they have given our people. We were privileged to be able to go and visit few whānau and take some pork bones and trotters to them.”
“It really was a humbling experience as we visited these whānau. One whānau we called before we went to visit and she told me she was in hospital, but her whānau were home. As we visited her home, her partner came out surrounded by tamariki. We asked about his wife and he told us that she was all alone in hospital on dialysis and he was truly humbled by the meat.”
“We visited a kaumātua in Maunu who had a number of moko staying with him, he his expressed his gratitude and told us he would cook it up with some dough boys. We happened to have a 20kg flour in the van which we also gave to this kaumātua and his whānau.”
“These experiences over the last couple of weeks wouldn’t have happened without all of our people working together as one, at time when we most need to. But that is what we do as Ngātiwai, we manaaki and care for one another. Thank you everyone for caring about our people and for all your work helping those in need.”
“It is reassuring to me to know that during these very difficult times we find ourselves in with COVID-19 that we can come together as one and traverse these rough seas as Ngātiwai.”
Contact: Barry Caldwell, Communications Advisor, Ngātiwai Trust Board
Phone: 021 728 291