Takutai Moana Engagement Hui Update

Pānui from Te Arawhiti
Libby Masterton
Director, Te Kāhui Takutai Moana

\”Tēnā koutou katoa,

E mihi ana ki a koutou, otirā ki a koutou e whakapau kaha kia manaaki ai ngā hāpori i tēnei wā taumaha. Ngā manaakitanga o te Aiō o te rangi me te whenua ki runga i a koutou katoa.

I hope you and your whānau are well and getting through this challenging time.

Prior to the Government’s announcement of the move to COVID-19 Alert Level 4, Te Arawhiti had been preparing to host a series of engagement hui to hear your views on both the Takutai Moana financial assistance scheme and draft Crown engagement strategy. However, as a result of the move to Level 4, all engagement hui were cancelled (including virtual hui).  

I acknowledge the changes we have all had to make to the way we live and work during this time; and most importantly how we have all prioritised our collective response to COVID-19. We know that iwi, hapū and whānau efforts are focused on protecting and supporting your communities through the impacts of COVID-19.  Te Arawhiti has shifted its focus to support the Government’s plan to assist Māori communities and Māori businesses, as well as to support the Government’s overall response to the pandemic. 
On 22 March the Government announced a package of initiatives to support Māori communities and businesses. To support this, Te Arawhiti is currently prioritising working with iwi on their local response plans. This includes understanding what support iwi require and strengthening their connection with Government services to ensure that support is available.  More information about the support Te Arawhiti can provide iwi is available on our website.
As we are focused on the COVID-19 response we are pausing our work on the review of the Takutai Moana financial assistance scheme and the draft Crown engagement strategy. We will not be directly contacting applicants or carrying out engagement during this time.  I recognise this is disappointing, however our priority is to keep everyone safe and focused on our response to COVID-19. Te Arawhiti staff are available to answer any questions, provide information or receive any feedback you may have at this time.
I intend to relaunch our work on the financial assistance scheme and the strategy once we are all able to return to our normal business.  I will be in touch with you when this work resumes.
The feedback form for the review of the Takutai Moana financial assistance scheme and draft Crown engagement strategy will remain available on the Takutai Moana website. The survey on the financial assistance scheme, conducted by Deloitte, is also still available to complete. You can also email us at maca@tearawhiti.govt.nz or call us on 0800 866 222.  Any feedback that we receive during this time will be considered once we resume this mahi.

I encourage you to keep updated with the latest help and advice about COVID-19.  The Government has a dedicated website that has everything you need to know about COVID-19 in one place, with practical steps you can take to keep you and your whānau safe: covid19.govt.nz.  You can also follow the Government Unite Against COVID-19 Facebook page here to receive regular updates.

I appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through this unprecedented situation.
Kia noho haumaru ki roto i ō mirumiru.
Nāku noa, nā
Libby Masterton
Director, Te Kāhui Takutai Moana

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