- Aquaculture Settlement Funds: – Trustees have requested that Management provide a detailed report regarding the usage of the settlement funds.
- Consolidated Group Financials: – The Group Financials to the 30th June 2020 were approved by the Board.
- Election of Chair and Deputy: – The election of Chair and Deputy occurred at the meeting, congratulations to both Aperahama Edwards who was elected as Chairman and Martin Cleave who elected as Deputy for the ensuing year.
- Proposed Hui-A-Iwi: – Trustees propose to host a Hui-A-Iwi on Saturday 5th September, the venue is to be advised.
- Scholarship Applications: – The Board resolved a minimum payment for all scholarship applications received date 31st July 2020 which meet the Ngatiwai Trust Board Scholarship criteria subject to the Education committee approving the applications.
- Sponsorship Applications: – A sponsorship grant of $500 was approved to support Wiremu Wikaira, Omaha marae to participate in the NZ U16 Rugby Team domestic tour and NZ U16 Tag Football Trans-Tasman Test series.
- Trustee Wananga: – A Trustee only wānanga is proposed for later in the month.