- Aqua Settlement Funds, Analysis of Costs: – A report summarising the utilisation of the Aquaculture Settlement Funds was provided to the Board.
- Chair and Deputy: – The Board confirmed that Aperahama and Martin would hold position of Chair and Deputy for the remaining of the trustee 3 year term.
- Consolidated Group Financials to 31st July 2020: – The group financials for the period ending 31st July 2020 were summarised by the CFO and received by the Board.
- Deloitte Review: – An update summary from Deloitte regarding the review was provided to trustees.
- Independent Director Oceans Hotel Tutukaka Limited: – The Trust Board is seeking an Independent Director for Oceans Resort Tutukaka Limited, a pānui is to be sent out to marae and hapū, a job description and person specification are available from the Trust Board office, please contact Moana MacDonald on 09 4300939 or 021 272 7689.
- NTB Financial Delegation Policy: – The changes submitted to the Delegation Policy have been set aside by trustees until such time as the Board’s sub-committees have been confirmed.
- Treaty Claims: – The 16th, 17th and 18th Mandate Maintenance Reports from the 1st August 2019 to 31st March 2020 were received by the Board.
Marae Reports:
- Matapouri: – Sustained some damage in the recent floods. The marae and Hapū Trust hosted a whakatau to welcome Chorus prior to the installation of fibre in the marae. The Hapū Trust is still working in partnership with TIF with the redesigning of communal facilities in Matapouri which are to reflect whānau and hapū narrative.
- Motairehe: – Darren Cleave has been elected as the Motairehe Marae Chairman.
- Ngaiotonga: – Installation of IT connectivity will be carried out next Friday which is great for the community. A meeting will be called at the marae shortly after the work is completed, the connection is free for the next 5 years. An application for PGF funding which is independent of the Trust Board is being applied for the carpark and 2 water tanks.
- Ngunguru: – Both Rose and Rachel are acknowledged for taking care of the kai deliveries.
- Oakura: – Damage was caused to water tanks during the flooding. Kai deliveries are available for the next 2 weeks.
- Otetao: – No marae committee meetings have been held over the last 3 months. Howie is working on establishing a kauri die back wash station at the marae.
- Pataua: – No update from the marae for this month.
- Punaruku: – Cancelled its most recent Marae Committee Meeting due to flooding. A rescheduled meeting will be notified in due course.
- Tuparehuia: – The marae financials have been audited and passed on to the Charities Services. A wananga is proposed for November to discuss options for the wharenui.
- Whananaki: – Renovations are on hold for now as we await further PGF funding.