Tena koutou e te iwi,
He panui whakamohio tenei.
E tika ana kia mihia te hunga kua potopoto atu ra ki te po. E nga mate tuatini, e nga mate tuamano, haere e nga mate. Kia tau iho ra nga tini manaakitanga o te runga rawa ki runga I te hunga kua whakarerea iho nei.
Kati ra, e nga mana, nga tapu, e nga tini manatunga e toitu tonu nei huri noa I Te Akau Roa o Ngatiwai me ona tini kopikopikotanga puta atu ki Nga Poito o Te Kupenga o Toi, tenei ra te mihi ki a tatou ki nga whanau, nga hapu puta atu ki te iwi nui o Ngatiwai puta noa.
Ahatia nga tini whakawainga o te wa, me mahi nui tonu tatou kia hua mai ai nga hua haunga ano mo tatou o tenei reanga nahe engari mo nga uri e anga mai nei.
The Ngātiwai Trust Board extend our aroha to our whanau, hapū and Ngātiwai katoa in these unprecedented times.
Despite the challenges facing Te Ao Katoa it is important that we continue to anga mua or be forward focused to build on the legacy of our tupuna for the betterment of Ngātiwai and our future generations.
The Board is committed to positive future focused leadership as well as seeking to strengthen active communication with our uri as we move forward and develop our next steps.
Over the past month we have had a number of significant operational changes which have seen some operational team members depart our organisation. Our acting CEO, CFO, In-house Lawyer and other staff have left the organisation. We thank them for their contribution to Ngātiwai Trust Board operations and wish them well with their next endeavours.
We affirm to you that our operational services continue as normal and recognise the contribution of those staff and Board members who have committed to maintaining our operations.
We have already initiated on-going discussions with our staff and have also received a report from Deloitte examining structural solutions for our entity that are future focused.
As we continue to move forward in this time of change, we are also seeking to engage with whānau, hapū and uri o Ngātiwai on our next steps. Again, we affirm to you our ongoing commitment to robust engagement and seeking your input on these important matters into our future.
We appreciate these are busy times for most and have scheduled initial update and strategic planning hui over the month of December along with an online survey for those not able to attend hui in person. There will be more Ngātiwai huarahi anga mua engagement hui in the new year.
E Ngātiwai me ū tatou ki te kotahitanga me te mana motuhake o Ngātiwai.
Na Aperahama Kerepeti – Edwards
Heamana o Te Poari o Ngātiwai