It was wonderful to be at Otira today to support our Ngātiwai whanui as Ngāti Takapari and Ngātiwai ki Whangaruru presented their evidence to the Waitangi Tribunal at week two of the Stage Two Hearings for Wai 2660 – Marine and Coastal Area (MACA) Inquiry.
Our whānau again found themselves having to stand in front of the Tribunal defending their mana whenua, mana moana against the Crowns actions and legislations.
Our whanaunga Mylie George said in her evidence today ” Our tahatai moana was confiscated in 2004. Its a stain on our national history, a retreat from truth and sixteen years later we still haven’t sorted it out.”
The Ngātiwai Trust Board congratulates our whānau for their mahi leading up to todays hearings, and for how brilliantly they did in standing and presenting to the Tribunal.
Thank you to Otira marae for your manaakitanga. We also mihi to our kaumātua, kuia and whānau that all attended in support.