- Aotea Kids Scholarship Programme: – The scholarship programme is now open for applications which are available on the Board’s social media pages. The criteria for the programme is included in the application.
- Mokau Marae Opening: – Is scheduled for Saturday 30th January 2021, Ngātiwai Trust Board will be involved with providing support and assistance where needed.
- Scholarships: – The Board approved 3 scholarship applications for Johnny Sadler, Ngātiwai Poitukohu Basketball. Kasey Walters, IPS Junior National Touch, 7 children and Toni Ford for Maori Football North versus South tournament.
- Trustee Meeting Calendar 2021: – A meeting calendar for the next year is being developed by trustees aside of business matters it will include meetings being held at marae on alternate months.
- Trustee Sub-Committees: – Will be selected at the first trustee meeting in January 2021.