Tuesday, 13 April 2021
Te Raukura o Ngātiwai Announcement
Ka tangi a Tūkaiaia ki te moana, kia tūpato, ko Ngātiwai kei te moana e haere ana. Ka Tangi a Tūkaiaia ki te tuawhenua, kia tūpato, ko Ngātiwai kei te tuawhenua e haere ana.
Ko Ngātiwai ki uta, Ko Ngātiwai ki tai
E te iwi nui tonu tēnei rā te pānui whakamōhio a Te Poari o Ngātiwai, kua tatū i a Te Poari o Ngātiwai te tohu i te Raukura Tumu Whakarae hei kōkiri, hei ārahi i te anga mua o Ngātiwai otirā te tari o Te Poari o Ngātiwai.
The Ngātiwai Trust Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Huhana Lyndon as Te Raukura (CEO) of the Ngātiwai Trust Board. Her appointment ushers in a new era of operational management for the board.
“Huhana is Ngātiwai tūturu and has a long track record of leadership and management experience in the North. We recognise the strong cultural knowledge she has and the ability to apply that into her work as an organisational leader.” says Aperahama Kerepeti-Edwards, Chairman of the Ngātiwai Trust Board.
Huhana comes to Ngātiwai Trust Board from Ngāti Hine Forestry Trust, one of the largest Ahu Whenua Trusts in Te Tai Tokerau. She has also held leadership positions with Te Matarau Education Trust, NorthTec, Ministry of Health and the District Health Board. Huhana has led several successful initiatives across the North and is a kanohi kitea amoung our whānau, hapū, marae and iwi.
“Huhana is a recognised leader in our iwi and it’s great to have her on board formally to support our next stage of development as Ngātiwai Trust Board arā, Te Anga Mua o Ngātiwai”
Huhana is Ngāti Rehua Ngātiwai ki Aotea whose kāinga is at Tūparehuia, Whangaruru.
Huhana Lyndon says, “We have a whakataukī – ko Ngāti Hine ki uta, ko Ngātiwai ki tai. Ngāti Hine inland and Ngātiwai on the coast – through my parents I am proudly Ngāti Hine and Ngātiwai and recognise the strong connections we have tribally as whanaunga. Maintaining these connections in our work is my ongoing commitment.”
“I am grateful for my time with Ngāti Hine Forestry Trust; they are leaders in the whenua Māori space regionally, I’ve learnt a huge amount as Tumu Whakarae (CEO) and in serving our shareholders.” says Huhana.
Ngātiwai Trust Board looks forward to Huhana starting work for the iwi soon, with Pōwhiri details to be made available once confirmed.
Ngā mihi nui,
Aperahama Kerepeti-Edwards
Heamana o Te Poari o Ngātiwai