Ngātiwai Trust Board officially appoint the vibrant and hardworking mother of three daughters to lead the iwi in its new strategic direction.
New Raukura Hūhana Lyndon says, “I am excited to have had this day finally arrive, I am excited to finally get my feet under the desk to start working with my new team.”
“I have learnt a lot during my time leading Ngāti Hine Forestry and have been fortunate to have been guided by great leadership. I am looking forward to applying these learnings into a Ngātiwai context.”
At the end of 2020 the Ngātiwai Trust Board went out to the iwi under the kauapapa ‘Te Huarahi Anga Mua o Ngātiwai’ where uri were given the opportunity to share their aspirations, goals and identify what the Board should focus on as their strategic direction.
“The Board have heard from the people. We are designing a new way forward for our iwi, and in Hūhana we know we have the right leader to implement this for us” says Edwards.
Lyndon says “I’ve been excited watching the direction of the Board since mid 2020. I plan to go back out to our people to affirm what we heard through Te Huarahi Anga Mua o Ngātiwai and look to plan out our strategic direction for our iwi”.

“As my first day of mahi quickly approached, I thought of my Grandfather George Davies who was
Ngātiwai tuturu from Tuparehuia and Aotea Great Barrier.”
“He was a man that was passionate about the moana, passionate about the whenua and loved his people. I will take these traits that he taught me and what it means to be Ngātiwai into my role as Te Raukura o Te Poari o Ngātiwai.”