Te ara huaketo –
The Path of the Virus
It is important to understand the path of the virus as more locations of interest are being revealed as contact tracing is being implemented for those who have Covid-19.
If you have been at any of these locations of interest during the relevant time, please self-isolate and call your GP or Healthline on 0800 358 5453 for advice on what to do next.
Additionally, if you live in the same whare as someone who has been at a location of interest, please isolate at home until they receive a negative test – you don’t need to be tested unless you are asked.
We know there are a lot of locations e hoa mā, and these will increase, but it’s critically important the Ministry of Health is able to identify anybody who has been at these areas to make sure they get tested, and in doing so, help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Up to date information can be found here:
As always whanau:
Noho haumaru ki te kāinga – Stay home, Save lives
Werohia ki te rongoa ārai Kōwhiti19 – Get Vaccinated
Manaaki i te whānau – Lookout for each other