There are strict guidelines that have been developed by the Ministry of Health to enable ourselves to keep our whānau safe in the event of the passing of a loved one. Under Level 4 restrictions no formal hui mate can take place including on marae, funeral homes, private homes or any other venues.
If someone in your whānau bubble passes away, here are some basic steps that you can follow to help you make the necessary arrangements.
If someone in your whānau bubble passes away, here are some basic steps that you can follow to help you make the necessary arrangements.
The full Official Ministry Guidelines for Tangihanga can be found here:…/tangihanga_guiderlines…
All this information is also available on our website here:
Also if you haven’t already, you can also watch Ngatiwai Raukura CEO Huhana Lyndon speak with manuhiri Mario Kake of the NZ Police and Albert Cash of NZ Fire and Emergency discuss Covid-19 Level 4 restrictions for hui mate. They discuss how we can work together to support our grieving whānau through Covid-19 impacted hui mate.…/kowhiti-19-patai-mai-live…