Covid Self Isolation, Preparedness and Support

Our Kaimanaaki Teams have been working hard over many months supporting the hauora of our communities with kainga based covid vaccinations drives, and more recently supporting whānau with covid preparedness plans for when covid enters their homes.

With Covid now running rampant, everyone knows someone who has got covid or someone who has had it. Our teams are now working with whānau who have covid and assisting them on how they can safely self-isolate (SIQ).

We have put together this one pager of simple information on How to Self Isolate including information on testing.

You should report the results of your rapid antigen test (RAT) if you test positive or negative. You can do this online through My Covid Record ( or by calling the helpline (0800 222 478).

If you or your whānau need help or know of any other families that are in isolation that need help, we encourage you to contact us:
• Ngātiwai free call support line: 0800 119 725
or email

Mandates and traffic lights settings have been relaxed, but with covid numbers still high in the community we encourage everyone to continue follow best practice in mask wearing and hand sanitizing.

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