
0800 Ngātiwai support lines

Whānau, you are doing awesome! We have been here in lockdown before, so we ALL know what WE need to do to beat this. We would like to advise whānau that our 0800 Ngātiwai support lines are active again: 0800 119 725 -Ngātiwai ki TAI TOKERAU support line 0800 120 068 -Ngātiwai ki TAMAKI support line or

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Team Leader appointed to lead Kauri Ora Project

Kataraina Tamaki is the new Team Leader of our Kauri Ora Project ​The Ngātiwai Trust Board are delighted to announce the appointment of Ngātiwai uri Kataraina Tamaki (Te Uri O Hikihiki, Te Akitai, Patuharakeke, Te Ngare Raumati, Rereahu, Ngati Tautahi) as the new Team Leader our new Kauri Ora Project; a Jobs for Nature funded

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SEA ā Moana The appeal of the Northland Regional Council Regional Plan ​ Appellants to the NRC Regional plan are seeking to have fisheries restrictions put in place that will see a full ban on all fishing in around Mimiwhangata Ngātiwai uri will remember the Hīkoi mō te Whenua in July against the Far North

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Te Poari o Ngātiwai rejects Significant Natural Areas on Māori Land

MEDIA STATEMENT Monday, 31 May 2021 Te Poari o Ngātiwai (Ngātiwai Trust Board) opposes the implementation of Significant Natural Areas (‘SNA’) on whenua Māori. This comes as awareness of the issue and impact on Māori grows. “We agree in principle with the intention of the policy to protect our indigenous biodiversity on general title lands,

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Pōwhiri Mō Te Raukura

Tēnā koutou katoa, He karanga tēnei ki ngā uri o Te Ākau Roa o Ngātiwai me ngā Hapū tini, ngā Iwi tini o Te Tai Tokerau whānui kia tae kōtahi atu tātou ki runga o Mōkau Marae kia Pōwhiritia Te Rakura Hou o Te Poari o Ngātiwai. The Ngātiwai Trust Board would like to extend

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MEDIA STATEMENTTuesday, 4 May 2021 NGĀTIWAI CALL FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF MĀORI WARDS IN THE FAR NORTHThe Ngātiwai Trust Board will today speak at the extraordinary meeting of the Far North District Council, giving their support to the establishment of Māori Wards in the Far North District Council. In 2020 the Far North District Council

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Hui ā Marama

Kia ora huihui mai anō tātou katoa, Hui ā Marama ki runga ngā marae o Ngātiwai As announced at the recent AGM held at Mokau Marae, every second monthly board meeting will be marae based as part of our commitment to relationship building and engagement with our whānau, hapū and marae across Te Akau Roa

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Te Raukura o Ngātiwai Announcement

  ** MEDIA STATEMENT **Tuesday, 13 April 2021 Te Raukura o Ngātiwai Announcement Ka tangi a Tūkaiaia ki te moana, kia tūpato, ko Ngātiwai kei te moana e haere ana. Ka Tangi a Tūkaiaia ki te tuawhenua, kia tūpato, ko Ngātiwai kei te tuawhenua e haere ana. Ko Ngātiwai ki uta, Ko Ngātiwai ki tai

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Raukura / Chief Executive Officer

Raukura / Chief Executive Officer Ngātiwai Trust Board, Whangārei location  “Ka tangi a Tūkaiaia ki te moana, kia tūpato, ko Ngātiwai ki te moana e haere ana. Ka tangi a Tūkaiaia ki te tuawhenua, kia tūpato, ko Ngātiwai kei tuawhenua e haere ana”.  E te iti, e te rahi, e ngā tini karanga maha tēnei mātou

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